Test de niveau Anglais B1

Ce test évalue vos connaissances de la langue Anglaise niveau B1. En cas de réussite, votre attestation de réussite personnalisée est générée en quelques secondes et le lien de téléchargement est disponible immédiatement à la page des résultats. Une copie de votre attestation est envoyée à votre adresse mail. Cette attestation montre que vous avez le prérequis pour vous inscrire directement aux cours de niveau B2…

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Test de niveau d'Anglais B1

Ce test évalue vos connaissances de la langue espagnole niveau B1. La réussite à ce test signifie que vous avez le niveau pour intégrer le niveau de langue B2.

1 / 25

1. The idea of moving to a foreign country alone without knowing the language is quite _____________ to me

2 / 25

2. ________ , the researchers did not want to reveal their secrets.

3 / 25

3. He can help us the most by ______

4 / 25

4. Choose the correct sentence:

5 / 25

5. Choose the best sentence: I plan to keep my job for a long time. I am excited to stay with this company into the future. Next October, _____!

6 / 25

6. The opposite of "deep" is __________

7 / 25

7. Having lost his job and gone through a divorce in the last six months, it is safe to say this has been a ___________ time for Louis

8 / 25

8. ___________ is a popular way for singles to pay less for accomodation

9 / 25

9. Correctly separate the following sentence into two sentences: I told her to restart the project because it unfortunately did not work last time.

10 / 25

10. Choose the correct sentence:

11 / 25

11. The managers are acting unethically at the moment. For example, ____ by the managers

12 / 25

12. Replying to dozens of emails every morning can be very ___________

13 / 25

13. The business is in __________ because of financial mismanagement

14 / 25

14. Sending my package to the billing address was a mistake! If you had just sent the package to the sending address written on the bill,  __________

15 / 25

15. I love the room _____  he has replicas of the Mona Lisa

16 / 25

16. Choose the sentence that summarizes the plot of a story in the correct tense and grammar:

17 / 25

17. Choose the best answer. John regretted his decision to drop out of school and start a company. He told his mother, “______”

18 / 25

18. He wasn't able to concentrate because he was ____________ with the death of his mother

19 / 25

19. Choose the sentence with the adverb (quickly) in the incorrect position

20 / 25

20. The government never gives money back to its citizens. The local roads_____

21 / 25

21. She must complete the project by the end of the year. Did she promise you that ______

22 / 25

22. Ivan the Terrible was a/an__________ leader of Russia who ordered many killings

23 / 25

23. The president said that he would like students ______ by teachers with a Master’s degree

24 / 25

24. Choose the correct sentence:

25 / 25

25. That girl can't stop looking at magazines: she's ____________ with them

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